Selasa, 15 Oktober 2024
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Alfedri : Recognize the Dangerous Impact of Drugs, Pay Attention to the Surrounding Environment
Rabu, 03-04-2024 - 15:39:56 WIB

TERKAIT:, Sungai Apit - The Siak Regency Government, through the National Unity and Politics Agency of Siak Regency, held an outreach for the Prevention and Eradication of Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Narcotics and Narcotics Precursors (P4GN).

This socialization, led by the Regent of Siak Alfedri, was attended by diverse group of society within generations and was held at the Tuah Menanti Meeting Hall, Bunsur Village, Sungai Apit District. Monday (01/04/2024)

This activity was carried out to spread government awareness of the importance of avoiding and protecting all groups of society, especially the young generation in Siak Regency from misusing Narcotics and Illegal Drugs (Drugs).

At the beginning of his speech, Alfedri expressed his joy and gratitude to the people who attended the event though the weather was hot and was held on the Holy Month of Ramadhan where majority of the people were fasting.

Alfedri emphasised that the most appropriate way to deal with the spread of misused narcotics is to report it to the police or local government if there are potential suspicions.

"There is no region that is free from drugs in Indonesia, including Bunsur Village. The community needs to report any suspicious activity in the village to the head of Neighbourhood, head of village, head of sub-district or nearest police," advised Alfedri.

Alfedri mentioned, several government programs were implemented by the Siak Regency government in Sungai Apit District to the attendees, especially in the health sector, such as the Type D Hospital.

"Existing programs can be implemented and utilized well if the community is free from drugs," Alfedri hopes.

Alfedri hopes that the people of Bunsur Village can raise awareness of the importance of education about the dangers of drugs, especially for the younger generation, in order to achieve Siak Regency free from drug trafficking and abuse.

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Berita Lainnya :
  • Alfedri : Recognize the Dangerous Impact of Drugs, Pay Attention to the Surrounding Environment
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